Capital Grants and Loans

​NOTICE: The Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) has launched a new grants management system to improve grant administration overall. All grants authorized between 2017 and 2024 will be managed in the system. 

All grantee organizations must identify a submitter to manage grants in the grant management system. The submitter must activate the grant in the system to submit grant intake documents and requests.


The Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) has delegated authority from the Board of Public Works (BPW) to administer the State’s capital grants authorized as a Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan (MCCBL) or in the Governor's budget (Capital Appropriations/PAYGO). 

The Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) Capital Grants and Loans (CGL) division administers over 3,000 capital grants estimated at ~$3 billion. The Maryland General Assembly and Governor approve approximately five hundred grants annually. CGL oversees complex administrative processes to distribute grant funds, including various collaborative functions with other State agencies.

Capital Grants and Loans Intake Process

All State capital grants must be authorized as a Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan (MCCBL) by the Maryland General Assembly or Office of the Governor to be eligible for the DGS Capital Grants and Loans Program intake process. Grantees may begin the grant intake process upon final authorization from the Maryland General Assembly and signature by the Governor. 

Grantees may use the Grant Intake Readiness Checklist to proactively prepare for grant intake by gathering the required information and documents and creating their online grantee portal account.

Click here​ to create a Maryland DGS Grants Management System​ account and access the grantee self-service portal.

Click here​ to submit an Activate Grant request.

Click here​ to submit a General Inquiry.​

Instructional Videos


Contact the Capital Grants & Loans Team​